Thursday, November 03, 2005

#8 - End of Day One

I finished up the day by relaxing in the park that sits between the Science Museum and the Nagoya City Art Museum (more on both of those later). I would return to this park many times over the course of the next two weeks, and it became a haven of sorts while out on my adventures.

Thanks for reading thus far. I realize there's a lot to get through, but believe me, you're only getting as much as I can tolerate typing, and hopefully no more than you can tolerate reading. The other days are, for the most part, less lengthy than this one was, so stay tuned. And now, having saved the best for last, may I present Uncle Meat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invaider Zim : THE (uncle)MEAT! THE (uncle)MEAT! THE HORRIBLE (uncle)MEAT!

Invaider Zim: Thats it, Dib. Laugh now, yes. Laugh and Frolic in your vile meats of evil...meats of evil! (ominous voices start saying meats of evil)But know that vengeance will be mine. Oh, how it will be mine!

4:24 PM  

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